
We Hope You Can Join Us!

The Washington Spinners and Weavers Guild (WSWG) has been actively supporting Washington Pennsylvania’s Spinners, Weavers and Fiber artists of many sorts since 1976.  We hope you can join us for a meeting and be part of the fun!

Our meetings are held on the third Friday, March through November, and December through February (Survivors Meetings), from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., in the basement meeting room of Center Presbyterian Church located at: 255 Center Church Road, McMurray, PA 15317

Sometimes our meetings include projects that are enhanced if you bring supplies from home, and we occasionally meet at alternate locations when schedule conflicts arise.  Therefore, we suggest you contact us at wswguild@gmail.com before you attend your first meeting to get you all squared away!

Thank you for your interest in the Washington Spinners and Weavers Guild.  We hope to meet you soon!