2024 Programs:
- March 15: Raising Angora Rabbits, with Lourie Stewart
- April 19: Trash to Treasure
- May 17: TBA
- June 21: TBA
- July 19: Care of Textiles, with Bonnie Reese
- August 16: Ice Dyeing
- September 20: Quilling
- October 18: Onion Basket making, with Elaine Harmon
- November 15: Ornament Exchange and Trash to Treasures
Events for 2024:
- April 19 & 20: Ag Days – Washington County Fairgounds . WSW will have a booth.
- May 18: Gilfillan Farm (Historical Society of Upper St. Clair), Noon – 4 pm. The Washington Spinners and Weavers Guild have been invited to do a fleece to shawl demonstration. The fleece from one of our members that have Shetland sheep. We will have a team of 3 Spinners, 1 Carder and 1 Weaver. The shawl will be entered into the Gilfillan Farm Chinese Auction on May 25th. gilfillanfarm.org/
- August 10 – 17: Washington County Fair washingtonfair.org/#/
- August 16 – October 27: Hooked Rugs & Historic Coverlets on display at SAMA Ligonier www.sama-art.org/ligonier
- August 23 – 25: Pittsburgh Creative Arts Festival pghknitandcrochet.com/
- Sept 6, 7, 8: Mountain Craft Days (Somerset Historical Center) – www.somersethistoricalcenter.org/news-events/mountain-craft-days.html
- Sept 14 & 15: Stahlstown Flax Scutching – www.flaxscutching.org
- October 19:Raggz Fiber Affair Fall Show – https://www.raggzfiberart.com/classes-and-events
- Pennsylvania Make it With Wool: https://makeitwithwool.com